Los Angeles Zoo — Exhibit Brand Campaign x MicroSite
To announce a new exhibit of animals in the native habitats our team positioned the offering with the line "Every animal has a home, just not yours." 
I directed the microsite design to have a game-like UX/UI to engage users of all ages. Upon scroll the cursor —  indicated by the campaigns tamarin monkey character — would animate triggering roll-over pop-ups at each level, providing information about the each animals natural habitat. The effort won a Silver Addy for UX/UI and the exhibit opened to record number of visitors and earned media in the New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/07/business/media/Ads-for-LA-Zoo-Rainforest-Exhibit.html
Credits + Contribution
Design & Visual Concepts 
Image Composition
Photo Art Direction
Campaign System
Logo Mark & Illustration
Interactive UI/UX Direction​​​​​​​
Storyboarding & Script Development
Agency ECD: Benjamin Freuhauf
Photographer: Lyndon Wade
Post Production: RealFake